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Siemens Hema-Combistix x 50

ID:D140 , 6562467
In Stock

High quality reagant strips for urinalysis that interact with the Siemens CLINITEK Status urine analyser (W6180) for automatic results, supplied in a pack of 50.


Testing for:

• pH
• Protein
• Glucose
• Blood in Urine

Product Data
Brand Siemens
Tests For pH, Blood, Glucose, Protein
Temp Requirements 15-30°
Urine or Blood Urine
Level for Positive Result pH: >8
Blood: >100 g/L (0.010 mg/dL)
Glucose: >5.5 mmol/L (100 mg/dL)
Protein: >0.3 g/L (30 mg/dL)
Sensitivity pH: 5-9
Blood: 150-620 g/L (0.015-0.062 mg/dL)
Glucose: 4-7 mmol/L (75-125 mg/dL)
Protein: 0.15-0.3 g/L (15-30 mg/dL)
Storage Conditions Keep strips in the original bottle.