Softalind® Pure Hand Rub 500ml
, 19039
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Liquid formulation for enhanced clinical effectiveness.
Softalind Pure contains no gel thickeners which means the product leaves no sticky residue and evaporates off the hands quickly. Its liquid formulation gives enhanced clinical effectiveness and is specifically appropriate for surgical hand disinfection.
• Fast acting (15 seconds)
• Does not build up on your hands unlike other alcohols
• Contains high grade emolients to help protect the skin
• Universal bottle fits into existing wall brackets
IC Testing Standards | EN 1500 - Hand Rub\rEN 12791 - Surgical Hand Disinfectant\rEN 1275 - Fungicidal & Yeasticidal\rEN 14348 - Tuberculoidal & Mycobactericidal\rMRSA |
Contains Dyes? | No |
Fragrance Free | Yes |
Contains Alcohol? | Yes |
Contains Disinfectant? | Yes |
Contains Chlorine? | No |
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