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Dopplex Ability - Automatic Brachial Index System - Mains Only Version

ID:W95489 , DA100P
In Stock

The Dopplex Ability offers a cost-effective solution for the measurement of ABI while providing an immediate printout of results from the integral printer or optional DR4 software package.

Based on volume plethysmography technology, which is superior to other automatic systems using the oscillometric method, the ABIlity is able to detect low ankle pressures in as low as 55mmHg and ABIs as low as 0.29 (Lewis, 2014).

The Dopplex Ability also excels over other ABI automated systems as it measures the blood pressures in both arms, using the patented two chamber cuffs, before utilising the higher pressure to calculate the ABI. This complies with current guidelines for ABI measurement and calculation published by NICE, ESC, TASC2 and AHA while automated systems which measure the pressure in one arm only, may miss or incorrectly classify cases of PAD.

An average sized surgery could have up to 300 patients who are at risk to having PAD. Testing them with Dopplex ABIlity would have taken 25 hours in total vs 150 hours with the traditional method

Using a conventional doppler to measure ABI can be time consuming due to the difficulty in locating vessels and the need to maintain contact during inflation and deflation processes.

The Dopplex ABIlity deskills the ABI test and experienced users are able to obtain accurate measurements in as few as three minutes.

The Dopplex ABIlity features a built-in thermal printer and is supplied complete with batteries, printer paper and a set of standard cuffs.

Contents & Specification:
• Printer - Integral
• USB connector - Mini USB
• Warranty - 1 year
• Accessories - Supplied with one set of standard cuffs, two rolls of paper, pack of sleeves, mains cable and instructions for use.
• Safety Standards Compliance - Complies with UL60601-1, EN60601-1,
• EN60601-1-2: 93/42/EEC as amended by 2007/47/EC
• Weight - 3kg
• Dimensions - H160mm x D260mm x W260mm

10 reasons to choose the ABIlity

• Extremely easy to use and fully automatic

• Minimal training required

• No need to rest patient for 15 minutes

• Reducing total test time

• Rapid bi-lateral ABI measurement in 3 minutes

• Simultaneous measurements reduces time

• ABI can now be undertaken by healthcare support staff

• Makes the measurement more cost effective

• No need to remove patient's socks or tights

• Maintaining patient comfort and dignity

• Easy to apply 4 cuff system

• Improving patient experience

• Portable and powered by mains or rechargeable battery

• For home or clinical environments

• Integral printer for documentation of results and waveforms

• Instant hard copy for patient notes and reimbursement

• Automatic interpretation of ABI

• Reduces operator error

• Accurate reproducible results

• Clinically proven by recent studies

