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ACCU-CHEK Softclix Lancets x 200

ID:D2449 , 3307484018
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Accu-Chek® Softclix Lancets

• For use with the Accu-Chek Softclix Lancing Device
• 28G lancets for a smoother entry

Performing a Fingerstick

1. Pull the cap off the lancing device
2. Remove any lancets already in the device by holding the device downward and slide the ejector forward to release the lancet into a sharps container
3. Firmly insert a new lancet until it snaps into place
4. Twist the protective cap on the lancet to remove it
5. Snap on the cap after lining up the notches on the device
6. Select the desired depth then press the plunger on the end all the way down until you here a click, a yellow dot will appear in the centre of the clear release button
7. Wash your hands thoroughly and massage the fingertip of 3 seconds
8. Hold the lancing device firmly against the side of your fingertip and then press the release button
9. Gently squeeze your finger to get a small drop of blood
10. Apply the drop to the test strip
11. Remove the used lancet


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