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Xprecia Systems PT Control Kit

IDD46944, 10873436-A

No longer available

£107.24  inc VAT

The Xprecia Systems PT Control Kit is for the assessment of the precision and accuracy of your machine.

Reconstituting Reagents

Use a transfer pipette to combine the vial of the diluent into a control vial

Mix carefully by swirling the bottle in a circulation motion to dissolve the control plasma inside N.B. do not shake in order to stop foam from forming

Close the bottle and allow to stand for at least 5 minutes

Gently swirl again prior to use

Performing a Test

1. Prepare the analyser for a test as outlines in the user guide

2. Horizontally position the transfer pipette so the tip is almost touching the front edge of the strip

3. Gently squeeze the pipette containing the control solution to apply a minimum of 6?L to the target area, the stride will sounds an audible tone when there is enough

4. After the test finishes, read the result on-screen

5. Press the Test Strip Eject button to remove the strip


• 4 x PT Control 1

• 4 x PT Control 2

• 8 x 1.0ml CaCl2 Diluent

• 8 x Transfer pipettes

• 1 x Instructions for use


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