UrgoStart Contact 5cm x 7cm x10
IDD7719, MPC550276
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Contact layer with TLC technology and a healing accelerator.
UrgoStart Contact is a polyester mesh contact layer impregnated with hydrocolloid, petroleum jelly and a healing accelerator. The healing accelerator (NOSF) promotes faster healing and re-establishes equilibrium in leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers. The TLC layer along with NOSF maintains a moist environment and promoted healing and the free circulation of growth factors.
• Promotes faster healing and improves quality of life
• Re-establishes would equilibrium
• Pain-free dressing changes
• Moist wound healing
• Stimulation of fibroblast proliferation
Sterile | Yes |
Indications |
&bull Non to low exuding leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and recurring wounds &bull Can be combined with an absorbent layer &bull Can be used in cavity wounds &bull Minimum duration of treatment 4-5 weeks" |
Waterproof | No |
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