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Basic Minor Surgery Pack - x 30

IDD8746, F883005-A

Order from supplier within 21 working days.

This is a non-returnable, special purchase item

£656.05  inc VAT

The Silver Minor Surgery Pack contains a range of instruments and disposable items making it suitable for many procedures undertaken within the primary care environment.

The kits are supplied in packs of 30 and are individually wrapped making them available for use immediately.


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Contents &bull 1 Tray
&bull 2 Gallipots - 60ml
&bull 2 Halstead mosquito forceps - straight
&bull Kilner needle holder
&bull McIndoe non-toothed dissecting forceps
&bull Iris scissors - straight
&bull Iris scissors - curved
&bull Gilles toothed dissecting forceps
&bull Bard parker handle
&bull Blade - No.15
&bull Drape epidural - 60cm x 75cm
&bull 2 Towel dressings - 43cm x 38cm
&bull 5 Non-woven swabs - 7.5cm x 7.5cm
&bull Sterile field"
Product Data
Brand Seward Thackray
Contents &bull 1 Tray
&bull 2 Gallipots - 60ml
&bull 2 Halstead mosquito forceps - straight
&bull Kilner needle holder
&bull McIndoe non-toothed dissecting forceps
&bull Iris scissors - straight
&bull Iris scissors - curved
&bull Gilles toothed dissecting forceps
&bull Bard parker handle
&bull Blade - No.15
&bull Drape epidural - 60cm x 75cm
&bull 2 Towel dressings - 43cm x 38cm
&bull 5 Non-woven swabs - 7.5cm x 7.5cm
&bull Sterile field"